Should i accept the offer?
MM is offering me a part-time post in her dancing studio, to teach little children dancing for stage performance. I appreciate very much for her offering, to allow me a chance to "step" into my interest again, which i thought i would never had a chance to involve after my marriage.
However, my Saturday Yoga class is crashed. It means i have to sacrifice this exercise. Furthermore, i need to deal with children. They are always mischievous, like to make noise and not giving much attention. There are already 3 "monkeys" at my house. (Excuse me!)To accept this offer, i need to deal with more "monkeys". Can i take it? I doubt of my ability of tolerance!
In the other hand, i am not only continuing my interest, but also cultivate the next generation. It's happy and proud to see them performing up on the stage with applause! .....including my little girl :)
(if i were to accept the offer, i will bring along my little girl to learn)
Should i???
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